HR Tip of the Week

HR Tip of the Week

HR Tip of the Week:  Building a Performance Culture

Successfully attracting top talent is a feather in the cap of any company.  But, how do you engage employees to perform at their highest level once you’ve hired them? Building a performance culture not only supports retention, but also ensures that every individual and team is accountable for the business impact it delivers through high level engagement.

How do companies successfully build a long-term culture like this? To start, set clear expectations about behaviors and values that bridge positive outcomes. Create a framework to map performance activity and outcomes for both individuals and teams – one that everyone can see, smell, and touch. Identify strengths and craft roles to compliment those strengths.  Address talent gaps in your team though recruitment and development. Build succession plans around specific capabilities critical to success. And finally, develop career tracks within the company for employees to develop and explore new opportunities. Read more about performance based culture here.



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