HR Tip of the Week

HR Tip of the Week

HR Tip of the Week: Identifying Toxic Workplace Behaviors

Without proper attention, a toxic work environment can lead to diminished productivity, low morale, absenteeism and turnover–all things associated with the ‘disengaged employee’. In extreme situations, toxic behaviors can even lead to workplace violence. Examples of toxic workplace behaviors include gossiping about fellow team members, finger-pointing when goals aren’t achieved or deadlines aren’t met, hostile versus constructive conflicts, and general workplace “politics.” Additionally, such behaviors can evolve into legitimate cases of harassment or discrimination, especially when such behaviors are aimed at a protected class.

What can companies do to avoid it? First, set expectations. Define what you believe to be toxic behaviors and communicate that with employees. It may be advantageous to incorporate your position on toxic behaviors into the employee handbook as well as to review and update your anti-harassment policy. Secondly, enforce expectations. Lead by example; hold employees accountable when they display ongoing toxic behaviors. Third, consider anti-harassment training to foster awareness.

Source:  Business & Legal Resources (BLR)



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