HR Tip of the Week

HR Tip of the Week

HR Tip of the Week: New CDC Guidelines for Returning to Work After COVID

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued new suggested guidelines on July 20, 2020 for return to work after testing positive or displaying symptoms of COVID. The updates are as follows:

For those with either mild to moderate symptoms or who test positive for COVID but are otherwise asymptomatic, individuals may return to work after:

  • 10 days (previously 7 days) from onset of symptoms or tested positive for COVID
  • 24 hours (previously 72 hours) have passed without a fever without use of fever reducer, and
  • Symptoms have improved

For those with severe symptoms:

  • 20 days from onset of symptoms or positive COVID test
  • 24 hours without a fever without use of fever reducer
  • Symptoms, whatever they are, have improved

A negative COVID test is no longer recommended as a requirement for employees returning to work unless their symptoms are severe and they have underlying health conditions that would require it. Visit the CDC website for more information regarding COVID-19.


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