HR Tip of the Week: Social Media In The Workplace
Use Disclaimers
If an employee mentions your business in the profile of their personal social media page, they should also include a disclaimer saying their opinions and comments do not necessarily reflect the point of view of your company or its management.
Think Before You Post
Posts made on behalf of the company should be consistent with the business’s marketing and public relations practices and objectives. Employees should be especially cautious about revealing confidential or proprietary information or engaging in discussions that could tarnish their reputation or that of your company.
Respect Copyright
Employees sharing links online, for example, should be sure the source of the content being shared is reputable. They should also guard against plagiarism by properly crediting the sources of the material they use.
Avoid Revealing Personal Information
Employees should limit the amount of personal information they reveal online. Ask employees to get permission from other employees, clients or business partners before publishing names or pictures online.
Consult With Colleagues
Employees should consult the appropriate person in the company before answering any media inquiries. Encourage discussion of social media issues among employees and the people designated to handle your social media.