Human Resource Advantage conducts training for companies who desire to provide their staff (both management and non-management) the essential tools necessary to perform their job to the fullest extent possible. Such tools include the basics of employment law, and the essential fundamentals required to be in compliance. Our goal is to deliver quality training presentations that will improve performance and enhance employee skills. Each training session is customized to incorporate your company’s unique work environment and philosophy. Below is a sample list of training that is offered. Please note, Human Resource Advantage can create a training topic specific to your needs and organizational structure.

Training Course Details
Some companies have an entire HR department staffed by several well-trained and knowledgeable HR professionals to manage compliance issues, keep paperwork in order, and help supervisors deal with employee issues. What if it's just you? And what if your main job is doing something completely different, like accounting, finance or general operations? You may not know what you don't know regarding employment law and regulations. Keep your company out of hot water by learning more about compliance with the FLSA, FMLA, ADA, Workers' Compensation laws, and record retention rules. We also cover best practices in recruiting, managing and paying overtime, and employee handbooks.
Designed for business owners, supervisors, and entry level HR staff, this session includes basic employee management information, including documentation, initiating difficult conversations, complying with employment law, and managing HR responsibilities throughout the employment relationship life cycle.
Putting your best foot forward in an interview is one of the first steps employers take in the employment relationship. Learn to prep for the interview, establish rapport, generate interest in your company, give a realistic job preview, and increase new employee commitment and engagement while avoiding personal biases through structured interviews.
Consistency is key when dealing with employee issues. In this course, managers learn the importance of establishing and enforcing work rules consistently. Conducting crucial coaching conversations, and documenting employee behavior and conversations is also covered. Best practices in termination as well as legal responsibilities of the employer are discussed.
Participants learn that performance management systems are built on accurate and complete job descriptions. From formal performance management systems to informal check-ins, supervisors learn the ins and outs of effective performance management conversations and documentation, while special emphasis is paid to avoiding rater bias and covering the full rating period.
This session will help your team build better work relationships and promote greater understanding and effective communication between team members. The objective is to encourage positive and productive teams in the workplace. Participants will learn more about their colleagues, be able to describe what makes a high performing team, understand the importance of playing to different strengths and skills, recognize the need for clear and effective communication, and understand the challenges of problem-solving while enhancing their team’s performance.
This is a two-part training:
1) Leadership: Training is specifically geared toward individuals in a leadership role in the company (i.e. front line supervisors, managers, and executives); participants will learn how to handle complaints of harassment, proper documentation, minimizing liability, Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 and its impact, anti-harassment laws and legal precedent, and best practices in communicating with employees.
2) Employees: Non-management staff focus on definitions and examples of harassment, workplace policy, expectations of employees, and proper reporting. In both trainings, the focus is on obligations of employees and maintaining an environment free of harassment and discrimination. HR Advantage will address any existing issues or concerns an organization wishes to address in a collaborative, interactive training with scenarios and discussion.
This training focuses on the process from position vacancy to the employee’s first day. The facilitator will apply impactful, thought provoking discussions on up-to-date trends in publishing job opportunities, interviewing styles, and legal issues to be mindful of, onboarding scenarios, and how to engage new employees positively for a best foot forward approach, while helping them embrace the company culture. Forms, checklists, and questionnaires to help you stay organized are shared.
Navigating Unconscious Bias: This training enhances awareness of unconscious bias to create a more inclusive culture that engages a wider pool of talent. This training may also help employers curb the negative impact of bias, including inappropriate employee behavior and resulting legal claims. We believe that fairness and objectivity are unwritten job specifications for every employee and the intent of most organizations. During this course, the facilitator will walk participants through a discussion about how, as humans, we may harbor unconscious views that can translate into actions affecting coworkers. These biases may be influencing our behavior toward one another and keeping us from working at our most effective levels.
This course trains supervisors and managers on best practices in documenting critical incidents during the employee life cycle, including good and bad behavior that may warrant further discussion. We cover how to approach uncomfortable employee face-to-face discussions. During the course, we will provide sample forms, discuss scenarios, and train leaders on how to initiate and sustain crucial conversations. This is a highly interactive course with role playing and practice dealing with difficult employee issues.
This course will walk participants through the importance of keeping their finger on the pulse of serious employee health situations. We will cover telltale signs that can warrant initiation of the FMLA, ADA, and/or Workers’ Compensation process. In addition, we will engage participants on how to properly communicate, document incidents, and interact with employees to promote a healthy work culture and employee relations during crisis situations, reducing potential employer liability.
Most employees travel the roads every day -- in cars, vans or trucks -- many of them on company business and either in their own vehicle or the company-owned vehicle. Each year, traffic accidents claim over 40,000 lives and cause more than two million serious injuries. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death on the job. Our most important goal is the SAFETY of employees. Employees are one of the MOST important assets that a company has. Vehicle accidents are costly to the company, but more importantly, they may result in injury to you or others. This session will focus on the driver's responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe manner, undistracted, and to drive defensively to prevent injuries and property damage.
Training Session Samples
I. An Overview of Harassment Law
- Who are “Protected Classes”
- A Definition of Unlawful Harassment
- Examples of Unlawful Harassment
- Circumstances Where Unlawful Harassment Occurs
II. Employee Obligations Under the Law
- Know Workplace Policy
- Confront Incidents of Unlawful Harassment
- Report without Retaliation
- Attend Training
- Effectively Perform Your Job
- Show Respect
For more information, or to schedule this session, please call (417) 894-3667.
Driver Safety Training
The purpose of this training is to ensure:
Safety — Our most important goal is the SAFETY of employees. As an employee, you are one of the MOST important assets that we have.
Guidance — We want to provide guidance on the proper use of company vehicles.
Cost — Vehicle accidents are costly to the company, but more importantly, they may result in injury to you or others.
Driver Responsibility — It is the employee’s “driver” responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe manner and to drive defensively to prevent injuries and property damage.
For more information, or to schedule this session, please call (417) 894-3667.
Documentation and Record Retention
DOs of “Written” Counseling
Do… Specify date, time, and location of infraction and the specific nature of the infraction.
Do… Check the employee’s history. Warnings should be sequential and include the steps of progressive discipline.
Do… State the next step of discipline should the employee repeat the infraction (i.e. final written warning or further disciplinary action up to and including termination).
Do… Ask the employee to sign the warning form. Should the employee refuse to sign, you may write “employee refused to sign” in the space and have a witness initial that the employee received a copy of the notice.
For more information, or to schedule this session, please call (417) 894-3667.
COBRA Obligations of Employer
Session Agenda:
- Purpose of COBRA being enacted and what Federal law requires of employers
- What employers are covered by the act
- State laws regarding continuation of insurance when COBRA may not be applicable
- Recognize who is a qualified beneficiary
- Discussion of COBRA qualifying events
- Explanation of duration of coverage
- Examples of the appropriate notices to send and when to send them
- Recognize when COBRA elections can be made and how the cost of coverage is paid
For more information, or to schedule this session, please call (417) 894-3667.